SIV Course
An SIV Course with a difference!
We also offer a comprehensive SIV course. The abbreviation SIV comes from the French “Simulation d'Incident en Vol,” which roughly translates to “simulated incidents (unstable situations) in flight.” If you are a seasoned pilot, typically with 100 flying hours experience or more, who wants to improve your skillset, specifically when it comes to safety and the ability to cope with adverse situations such as collapses, spins, deep stalls, spirals, and large cravats after an event such as a deep stall, then this course is for you. The course is offered over a very large freshwater lake where the pilot is towed behind a boat up to an altitude of approximately 800 m (2600 ft) above the water. A rescue boat is also on standby in case of a water landing under a safety parachute.
The SIV course includes the following manoeuvres:
Asymmetric collapses (L/R) and flying straight
Full frontal collapse, recovery and energy management
Accelerated (speedbar) asymmetric collapses (L/R)
Accelerated (speedbar) full-frontal collapse
Big ears
Pendulum control - energy management
Point of stall
Point of spin
Full deep stall, recovery and energy management
Full spin, recovery and energy management
B-line stall
Deep spiral, recovery and energy management
Student’s preference for additional manoeuvres such as SAT and wing-overs
Did we mention that training in the Wilderness is a very cost-effective alternative? Converted to Australian dollars, the full 5-day SIV course will only cost you approximately:
A$ 1000
You will agree that this is MUCH cheaper than any local options.
Interested? Check out the action photos and videos from a recent SIV course below. Please get in touch with us for more information.
SIV Course
The two videos below provide a detailed overview of what to expect from our amazing SIV courses. The videos will showcase the manoeuvres students will perform, the stunning environment, the professional facilities and staff as well as the general sociable atmosphere you will find in the Wilderness, South Africa.
Students and instructors
Chief instructor briefing pilots before flights
Tuck boat
Rescue rubber boat and tuck boat
View from boat to launch area
Instructions before launch
Instructions before launch
Last instructions
Ready for launch
Up and away!
What would happen if...
Excited pilots and nervous wifes!
Constant instructions
Are you ready?
Getting into the harness
I'm ready!
Resist resist resist!
Connecting the tuck line
I'm ready!
Here we go!
I'm a bird!